Monday, October 07, 2024

Ithaca College Students for Justice in Palestine glorifies Hamas attack of October 7, 2023 one year later

The latest Instagram Story from Ithaca College Students for Justice in Palestine includes a page with the slogans “Glory to the Martyrs. Victory to the Resistance.”

This page is from a series originally posted by @wawog_now, “Writers Against the War on Gaza.” The bottom illustration is from a photograph of the Hamas attack on October 7, 2023, when the Hamas terrorists broke through the fence separating Israel from Gaza.

ICSJP chose to post this picture on October 7, 2024, the anniversary to the day of the Hamas attack. I cannot see this as anything but a glorification of the violence wrought that day by Hamas upon Israelis and citizens of other countries living in the kibbutzim and small towns on the southwest border of Israel with Gaza – violence which resulted in the deaths of 1,200 people and the kidnapping of 250 others into Gaza.

I am outraged and my heart hurts that students at Ithaca College, by posting this image, are celebrating the murders and hostage-taking of Hamas.

And the slogan, “Victory to the Resistance,” in my opinion, is simply calling for more attacks by Hamas upon Israeli civilians.

The other Ithaca College pro-Palestinian student group, IC Students for Palestine, is planning a vigil for this coming Saturday night, October 12, which happens to be the end of the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur. This is their Instagram announcement.

This group also just posted another message on their Instagram account today (10/08/24): "Glory to the Martyrs. Glory to the Resistance. Free Palestine." What do they mean by the "resistance"? Do they actually understand what resistance means - murder, rape, torture, burning people alive in their houses, constant rocket fire from Gaza and Lebanon into Israel? Attempts to kill people in Israel, including my friends? Have they ever seen someone who died by violence? Why would they wish that on anyone? 

I want an end to this war - an end to the Israeli army's attacks on Palestinians in Gaza, an end to the deaths of Palestinian civilians, an end to the destruction of Gaza, a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas that frees the hostages, an Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon and a halt to the Hezbollah rockets and missiles on Israel. It doesn't seem me to that this is what the members of these two student groups want - they glorify the resistance, they want the resistance to be victorious. And what does victory mean?

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