Saturday, April 13, 2024

Shoshke Engelmayer's Night Postcard for the Iran attack on Israel April 13, 2024

 Shoshke Engelmayer's take on tonight's attack

הגלויה הלילית. כטב"מים וטילים. ורק שיחזרו החטופים.
The nightly postcard: drones and missiles.
The most important thing: the hostages must return

Source: Facebook - Shoshke Engelmayer

Iranian attack on Israel tonight - a few observations

One thing I did not expect was that Iran would target Jerusalem. In past wars, Hamas has avoided targeting the city, presumably to avoid striking holy sites and Palestinians in East Jerusalem. Iran doesn't seem to care about that, which is very strange. According to CNN, the first Iranian attacks on Israel were in Jerusalem.

The video below is of interceptions over the Dome of the Rock. (Source: Nir Hasson)

Still photo from video above:

Photo of interceptions over the Knesset in Jerusalem

Some more surprising items - Saudi Arabia and Jordan shooting down drones and missiles launched at Israel.

Discussion by Anshel Pfeffer:

Jordanians have paid a price for shooting down the drones over Amman:

Monday, April 01, 2024

Angry mob outside synagogue protests presentation by Zaka

 "Within Our Lifetime" has now outdone themselves. 

Together with American Muslims for Palestine they organized a demonstration today against a synagogue in Teaneck, NJ, that was hosting a presentation by Zaka. (It was really an angry mob, not a peaceful demonstration).

Zaka is the Israeli organization that goes to sites of traffic accidents and terrorist attacks, in order to collect the human remains that need to be buried according to Jewish law. Zaka members were among those who took care of the bodies of those murdered by Hamas on October 7, and some of them spoke about the marks of atrocious violence that they saw on the bodies.

This is the poster for the demo. It gives the address, but carefully avoids mentioning that the location is a synagogue.

Twitter post about the protest:

Here's video of the protest: