Sunday, June 17, 2007

"So lange bist du hier"

As part of gay pride this week in Jerusalem, the Cinematheque is showing a couple of gay films - I'm going with a friend on Wednesday night to see one of them: So lange bist du hier.
"While You Are Here,” the first film by promising German director Stefan Westerwelle, was noted with distinction at the International Film Festival in Locarno. It‘s about a friendship between two men who widely differ in age, but are brought together by shared feelings of loneliness and alienation. Sebastian is a hustler. Georg is one of Sebastian‘s regular clients. The men are so different yet so similar, trying to find some last moments of happiness together. Of special note: Bernadette Paassen‘s humble yet heart-wrenching photography. Courtesy of The Goethe Institut, Tel-Aviv
In other news, Haaretz is reporting that the police are going on high alert for the parade - "The police have announced plans to declare a state of very high alert throughout Israel and to bolster police presence in Jerusalem, Bnei Brak, and the North this Thursday to field the possible violence that may result from the Gay Pride Parade planned to take place that day in Jerusalem."

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